What Is an Underwritten Annuity?

The majority of seniors lack a plan to pay for long-term care, leading to concerns about running out of money for health expenses. Medically underwritten single-premium immediate annuities offer a solution.

Can I Get Paid to Care for Mom & Dad?

As a caregiver, there are options available to help you pay for your role in caring for your mom
or dad, with the most common source of payment being Medicaid.

What is long-term care Medicaid?

Long-term care Medicaid is the largest payer of long-term care, and it is used as a payment source for long-term care in a facility or at home. 

What Is The Community Spouse Resource Allowance?

There may come a time where one spouse needs to file for Medicaid long-term care, but the other spouse does not. In cases like these, it is crucial to understand the financial rules and limitations this situation presents.