Alternatives to Nursing Homes for Your Loved Ones
In the later stages of life, it’s important to consider alternatives to nursing homes to find more affordable, comfortable living arrangements for you or your loved ones.
What is long-term care Medicaid?
Long-term care Medicaid is the largest payer of long-term care, and it is used as a payment source for long-term care in a facility or at home.
I have Medicare, does it pay for a nursing home?
Medicare and long term care Medicaid are two very different programs that cover different things. Let’s review what each program covers and does not when it comes to nursing home costs.
What Is The Community Spouse Resource Allowance?
There may come a time where one spouse needs to file for Medicaid long-term care, but the other spouse does not. In cases like these, it is crucial to understand the financial rules and limitations this situation presents.